Hey there, my name is Jessica Fish and a warm welcome to my website, jessicafish.me. I’ve learned a lot on my journey to becoming a blogger and online marketer. It’s been a long and difficult road…not only because it’s actually hard to make a name for yourself online, but it actually takes a lot work, every day, or most days, to get out there and get noticed. It’s a daily struggle for me because I battle with perfectionism, so I’m constantly battling my brain to focus on the important stuff, which is not easy! While it’s been a rough road of ups and downs and 5 years in the making, I’m finally getting somewhere. While 5 years may not sound like a long time to some and maybe too long for others, it truly has been just that…a struggle and a daily battle with my brain, which seems to never shut off.

I have so many wonderful ideas and helpful resources to share with you and it’s taken so long to get here! I’m still not exactly where I want to be with this journey, but I do hope you join me, take a look around and see what I have to offer. I’m constantly making changes and updates to my website, so please bear with me on this journey. If you’re a perfectionist and struggling daily with it and all the other problems it creates in your life and business, I truly feel your pain! 

So come join me and let’s enjoy this crazy thing we call perfectionism (and life!) together!

I’ll see you on the inside!


My Goal

So let me start by saying this…I’m truly glad you’re here and along for the ride with me. I want my website to be a place where you can come to for inspiration, motivation and perhaps even relief from a terrible day, because we all have ’em! I want you to be able to have access to free resources that I think will be helpful to you and to others because I also believe that if you love my free resources, you’ll come back and become a subscriber and maybe even a customer!

So, take a look around, get comfortable and stay a while. While my site is still fairly new, I will be constantly updating it so if you run into a link that doesn’t work, an error or some sort or just have a question about something, please let me know…I’m here to help!

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About Us

What it is that you sell, what problem it solves, and why they should buy it

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Your mission here

Define what you do to stand out and become memorable to your ideal customers

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vehicula tortor quis sapien sodales mattis. Fusce dictum tellus lectus, sed malesuada arcu tempor at. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse potenti aenean et mauris.

Hendrerit, commodo augue non, ornare elit. Sed consectetur eleifend interdum. Cras vitae ante erat. Etiam iaculis, purus eu sagittis placerat, mi odio malesuada risus, non gravida leo urna vitae odio mauris. In faucibus ex sed tortor fermentum dignissim. Sed blandit massa eu laoreet semper. 


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Meet Rachel

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Meet Victoria

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Signature Products

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The key here is to write directly to your ideal buyer. What are the values your ideal buyer has? How does your product improve their life? What does your ideal buyer care about the most? Keep all of these things in mind while writing.